Tuesday, January 26, 2010

All that Grey Matter

My mind has been a bit 'foggy' these last few days. I'm having trouble remembering things. I'm maxed out on the 10% of the brain power, I 'averagely' use. For those of you who are slightly confused, don't worry, it'll pass.

They say the average person uses only 10% of their brain's capacity. Wow! Only 10%, what's happening with the other 90%? I have no idea!

Today, my grey matter is getting all mixed up with all the usernames and passwords that I have to store. I have too many!!!! I have several for work and the responsibilities that I have there, then I have my personal emails, of which there are five. Yes, five. I need to purge. Then there's banks and credit cards and other entities in the computer world that I have accounts with that all require username and password. Sometimes, it's just a jumbled mess of numbers, letters and "ideas" that are supposed to help me remember why I chose whatever it was I chose. Do you follow me? If so, great! I'm lost.

What I really want to be remembering are the birthdays I forget;the phone numbers I need because my cellphone is dead and I can't call anyone but the operator; the chores and tasks at home and work that I need to follow up on; the dates of appointments and activities. Nope, these things are like butter slicked ideas flying through my grey matter. Very difficult to keep a hold of without the use of a calendar, alarm, and a phone call from a friendly appointment clerk somewhere.

Then you have the stuff that sticks. Yes, it sticks like that nasty rubbery gum under your 11th grade school desk. You know: the song lyrics to a melody that's annoying; the image of something gross or disturbing; or the wrong name for a person you've known for too long to ask the truth of their name. ARGGGGG! That's not anything worth saving!

Our minds are powerful, wonderful, and mystical things. We get information jumbled, garbled, irretriveable and misplaced. We have memories stored, clouded, jaded, treasured. We can't function without our brain; we take it for granted, and we apparently aren't using enough of it. It's time for me to get back to the crossword puzzles I love, the books that cause me to think and the quizzes of vocabulary words and synonyms.

What's filling up your grey matter and what do you want to be filling it up with? Think about it! Pun intended.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Taking the bull by the horns

I have to admit I don't really know the origin or exact meaning of the phrase "taking the bull by the horns". My definition is basically, you just do what you gotta do. Well, I did that this week. Sugar that's my biggest vice. I'm doing pretty good at beating out the cravings and temptations. It's been three weeks now; it's feeling good. No, this week, it was cable. See when Mr. Website Guy and I met I was a busy woman with things to do and accomplish and I made up my mind that I didn't want to have a TV at home because, I'm a self-proclaimed 't.v. junkie' and I wanted to avoid that temptation. Well, for three years we got the disbelieving remarks and shocked expressions from others when we told them that we didn't have a t.v. This was usually the answer when asked if we watched, (insert a sitcom or reality tv episode here) and we of course, had not seen it. Mr. Website Guy is wonderful. He is smart and he works hard for our family. Well, that last two Christmas bonuses he received were spent on bills or savings, you know practical, responsible stuff. Well, this year he said he wanted to "blow it on something fun" so we did and we got a t.v. to play a Wii on and to watch movies on something other than the computer screen. I decided to get cable. After only one week of mind-numbing viewing in my precious evening hours, I decided to end this addiction. I asked M.W.G. to call the cable company and cancel the cable. He said he would, but then I realized, "No. I need to do it. I need to prove I'm stronger than this." So, I did it. When asked why I was canceling by the representative, I told her, "I'm compulsive about watching television and I don't want it." She tried to talk me into basic cable. Nope. I'm done. I'm an "all-or-nothing" kinda gal, which isn't always the best way to be, but hey, I know what I want and don't want and I go after it or I AVOID it. So, I'm empowered now. I can go to the gym and walk on the treadmill for two hours while I get my t.v. fix. Not bad, don't you think, I have to pay a price that will only reap rewards. Well, I know there's got to be something you're hanging on to because it's just so good but may not be good for you, we all have something. So, what do you say, are you up for the challenge? Take the bull by the horns and see just what you can do! I believe in you! Love, Tootsie

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nothing Worth Having

You've heard the phrase, "nothing worth having, comes easy"? Well, I think some poor soul that was struggling to make it big said that. Or just a really great optimist. Think about it.... There are so many things that take HARD work and DEDICATION, SACRIFICE, and ENDURANCE. You have to be optimistic to stick to it when it's just seems no progress is being made. You tell yourself, it's worth it, it's just not easy and you find that thread of will power, that glimmer of hope, the surge of strength to get you through the current hurdle. Well, that's me, every day with my diet and exercise. I just have to keep on keeping on. It's good for my body, my mind, and my soul. So, I'll push myself a little further tomorrow and when the muscles ache and the cravings knock at my will, I'll just say, "I can hold on a little bit longer." What are you working on that's well worth it but certainly not easy? From one fighter to another, I'd like to say, "Hang in there!"

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Finding my tail

I was feeling a little Eeore-ish the other day and my wonderful friend and co-worker says, "You lost your tail. You need to find you a new one." So, I resolved to find me a tail! A happy tail. Where do you find tails for Eeores? Well, inside of course!

I'm going to give myself a way out when the frustration and blues come. I'm going to shadow box those blues away. Then, I'll be getting better in more than one way.

As for the happy tail, well, uhmmmm, let's see......I KNOW! "When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed, when you are discouraged thinking all is lost..." I'll COUNT MY BLESSINGS, name them one by one.

The following list is in no way all inclusive:
1. My husband. Being married to your best friend is pretty awesome!
2. Our house. I love where we live and I love that we can be 'creative' with it.
3. Our Family. Both sides of the family have countless blessings, especially those little ones that Aunt Tootsie just loves to "eat".
4. My job. I get to work with two wonderful individuals and I enjoy going to work each day. I feel lucky about that.
5. My life. I may not like Tootsie's rolls right now, but I can't deny the blessing of my health and ability. Besides, one thing that I'm doing is working on the rolls, and that's helping me find a happy tail.
6. Cooking. I love to bring joy to others through my talent in the kitchen.
7. Writing. This is what I'm meant to do and if I really want to keep my "happy tail" I need to finish the story I started!
8. The Gospel. This is where the source of all happiness begins. The times that I take time to really immerse myself, are the times I am most happy and content.
9. The phone. I love my phone. It keeps me sane (games, calendars, etc) and in touch with those I love and need the most.
10. The sunshine. I moved to this dry, warm climate so I could always have the companionship of the center of our solar system. It helps me stay above the clouds.

I love all you dear readers. I'll get back into the writing for it helps me and I like to think it helps you. Happy tail hunting to all you Eeores out there and for those of you Tiggers well, you just keep bouncing on that wonderful tail of yours. Love, Tootsie