Friday, November 27, 2009

Clutter: the bane of my existence

I have been cleaning out the nooks and crannies of my 'office' at home in the hopes that I can have family and friends over and not feel utterly ashamed of my messiness. I don't keep my home as clean as I'd like at times, but I can't be beating myself up about it all the time, so I pick my battles.

Today's battle is with clutter. You know the stuff you need to keep around but because you didn't find it a home in the first 30 seconds of handling it, it landed in the 'clutter zone'. Everyone has one, you might hide it in some drawer or closet so that it's found by only those in the family and friends cleaning out your personal effects after your death; but don't try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

Well, out of my three bedrooms, 2 living rooms, I'm embarrassed to say that two of them are 'clutter zones' and it is doubly embarrassing that one of them is in the 'public' area of the house. After months upon months of it building, spilling, and rebuilding and repeating I've attempted to shovel out of it. It's been one of those chores that I am doing everything to avoid yet I'm driven to do not do anything I enjoy for then the nagging thoughts suck the joy out of the activity. Well, I'm making progress although I still have a bit to go. I'm determined to have it transformed before I get to bed because I really want to impress MWG with my 'new look'.

I'm determined to keep it un-cluttered this time at least until after January 1 when the guests depart. Maybe with a month start I'll develop a new habit? Doubtful, if you wanna know how long I've had this clutter problem, just as my Sidekick Sister who shared a room with me for 16 years. I'm pretty sure I had something to do with the fact that she's a really organized individual. I guess you can learn positive things from a bad example. Too bad I was the bad example.

Dear reader, I don't want to leave you down in the dumps with this post, no, I hope I've jogged your mind of the recessed place in your life, or home that needs a little purging & re-organizing. Trust me, you'll feel better when you're done; it's working for me.

My Other Half

I'm learning more and more just how much my husband is my other half. Not that I didn't realize it in mind, it's just I'm acknowledging it's realization. It's wonderful! I'm thankful for him. I'm thankful for the the things that I've learned while I've been with him. I'm thankful for the future we get to have together, whatever that future may be.

I'm thankful for the family he has. Anyone who thinks you are only marrying your spouse is mistaken. You marry the whole family, unless of course your spouse is estranged from his own family then you may be exempt, otherwise, in-laws are part of the packaged deal.

I got a great bargain when I married MWG. I have a mother-in-law who loves me like a daughter, a father-in-law who is generous in his assistance to us, and two sisters-in-law who were pretty excited to have me join their sisterhood. I feel very blessed in the in-law department. I thank them for who they are, what they do, and the love they share with me and MWG. I look forward to many happy years of being part of this family. Thanks!

Dear MIL (Mother-in-law),
Your example of service is awe inspiring. Your relentless devotion is defining and honorable. You are so giving of your time and having been a recipient of your service I know that you serve willingly, lovingly, and thoroughly. Thank you for loving me and for accepting me like a daughter. It means so very much to me to have been welcomed so lovingly into your family. I love you, Mom.

Dear FIL (Father-in-law),
You've provided well for your family and worked hard and the family has been fortunate to have the opportunities you've graciously provided. Thank you for the wonderful trips you've invited your son and I to attend with you. Thank you for the daily service you give us. Thank you for your love and devotion to your wife; the greatest gift a father can give his children is to love their mother.

Dear SIL1 (Sister-in-law 1),
Due to distance, you and I have not had a lot of opportunity to bond, but I'vc always felt welcomed by you. As an eternal family, I know that we will have eternity to get to know each other and that we will have to capitalize on the opportunities we have when they arise. Thanks for loving me as a sister.

Dear SIL2 (Sister-in-law 2),
We have a lot in common. We respect and admire one another's differences. I love the fact that you and I developed our own friendship outside of my dating your brother. I'm lucky to call you my sister. I love spending time with you, serving you and laughing with you. You have the most wonderful laugh. I love you, Sister Sue.

MWG, You are a lucky man to be from a strong family with a STRONG gospel heritage. You are a hard worker and I know that as you and I work together to strengthen our family from all that is hurtful and troubling in the world, we will become strong links in your family chain. I love you, MWG. I love you so very much. All my love, your Tootsie

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mom's in the Kitchen

I was talking to my mom the other day and telling her that although I am 'revolting' from the traditional Thanksgiving feast, that it in NO WAY reflects any harbored childhood ill will toward the holiday. On the contrary, I have many WONDERFUL memories of Thanksgiving Day. Particularly, Thanksgiving morning.

Two of my favorite things: Snuggling in a blanket to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and helping my mom in the kitchen all morning as my hunger intensified with every passing hour. The bird smelling so delicious, the stuffing being just 'perfect', the mashed potato bowl heaping with its mountainous goodness of creamy, buttery, smooth, mashed potatoes. The cranberry and marshmallow salad, pistachio pudding salad, fruit cocktail and cool whip salad. The rolls! The fruit pie that my mother always had since she catered to my 'anti-pumpkin pie' tastes. The plentiful mounds of cool whip on anything sweet. Oh, the food of Thanksgiving was great! It's interesting how my tastes have changed yet again, because all that isn't quite as appealing to me anymore, but the opportunity to be with family and friends is welcomed.

I'm thankful for my family, my friends and for my opportunity to love and be loved. I'm thankful to my mom for all the hours she puts into making Thanksgiving Day a beautiful occasion in her home. Mom, you are one AWESOME cook and I'm glad I learned under your tutelage. Thanks for building a solid foundation of the love of good holiday food. I look forward to cooking with you when you come down in just a few short weeks! I love you, Mom!

For all you readers, you can quit reading here if you'd like the rest of this post will be specifically dedicated to my mother. Happy Thanksgiving!

Mom, I've always tried to show my gratitude to you for all that you've done for me; however, this day I want to take moment to remind you just how thankful I am to have you for my mom. For 6 1/2 months you carried me within your angel body and when I threatened to come too early you and dad fought to make conditions optimal for my survival. Driving four agonizing hours through the snowy mountain pass to get to the Valley where neonatal facilities could give your unborn baby a chance. You suffered the fear and pain of those few days of bleeding, an emergency Cesarean, the weeks of recovery, and the months of separation from me. Your first Christmas without me home must have had a tinge of sadness. Having never been a mother I can't begin to know the worry and sorrow as you prayed, pleaded with the Lord to let your baby live. Live I did and I thank you and Dad for all that you gave, all that you sacrificed, and all that you endured to nurture, care for, and raise me. You truly are my hero. You are the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for your unconditional love which I KNOW I didn't deserve during my teenage and early adult years. Thank you for your love, friendship, and motherly heart and all that comes forth from these emotions. If I can be half the mother you were to each of your six children I will be a great mother. You, like your mother before you, epitomize the verse in Proverbs 31:27, "She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." You have always taught me by example to be a hard worker and to take pride in my work, doing my best. You can stand tall my dear mother knowing too that you are deserving of the praise found in verse 28, "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." I know that Heavenly Father has blessed you in countless ways and if you should need a witness to testify on behalf of your goodness and dedication that I will stand and boldly declare that I KNOW you were all a mother should be and more. I doubt the Lord will have need of my voice for "[your] own works [will] praise [you] in the the gates" (verse 31, emphasis added). Mom, I am so thankful for the privilege I was given to be your daughter. You are now forever my friend. All my love, hugs and a kiss. Your Daughter, "Tootsie"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Tribute

This post goes out to an avid reader and fan of Tootsie's Roles. My dear dad. Tootsie's Pop (sorry, Dad I couldn't resist the pun) is one awesome father, husband and friend. He's a motivational speaker, a life coach, a shrink, amateur comedian and one large bear hug! To make money, he makes paper, but I digress.

This thanksgiving I'm going to start my 'thanking' early. I am thankful for my dad and want to share a thanksgiving moment that is near and dear to my heart.

While Tootsie was in college about 13 hours from home, Tootsie's Pop drove the long route to pick up Tootsie and her sidekick sister plus an extra roomie to come home for Thanksgiving. Tootsie and her 'pop' sat in the front and for the duration of the trip, they talked, they discussed, they wondered, and they talked some more. In short, the 13 hours were too short for all they had to say.
Turkey Day and the day after were wonderful days of visiting with Mom and Dad, my younger brother and sister and our guest roomie. It was wonderful! Then it was time to make the trip back to school. We loaded up the same as we came and away we went. Yup, you guessed it, Dad and I talked the whole way back. It was and is great to visit with my dad!
Once I was back at school my roomie remarked, "You and your dad never ran out of things to talk about!" It's true and I hope we never will.

I love you, Dad! I can't wait to see you when you come visit in December! I'm overdue for one of your bear hugs! Happy Thanksgiving and THANK YOU for all the visits, advice and love you've doled out over the years! I was and always will be listening. All my love, YFP Tootsie

Monday, November 23, 2009

Trimming the Turkey

I'm passing up on the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie this year. I'm calling Thanksgiving Day, my day to Trim the Turkey.

Don't get me wrong, I have much to be thankful for and I express my gratitude for my bounteous blessings as often as I can. It's just I don't want to spend the day focused on food.

My thanksgiving plan is to get my house in order. I have many chores that have been put in the fridge, not just "on the back burner," since I've started working full-time PLUS some. So, I declare that I will spend my weekend getting fat on holiday decorations, sleeping soundly with a 'belly' full of completed chores, and making time for 'leftover' projects that I thoroughly enjoy and crave but just haven't had the time for.

Black Friday? Not this year. I'll be cashing in on finding hidden treasures on my desk that has been sorely neglected. Come Monday, I hope to be bursting with holiday cheer because my halls will be decked with lights and ornaments, the scent of cinnamon coming from my wall outlet blossoms.

Yes, this Thanksgiving, it'll be "beginning to look A LOT like Christmas" at my house and I couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity to quietly celebrate the holidays in my own unique way.

To my wonderful, handsome and loving Mr. Website Guy, I say THANKS for supporting me and please know that I in no way want to impose my 'unique' ideas on you, so if it's turkey, stuffing and pie you need this Thanksgiving, please, please know that I want you to partake of the offerings from kind and generous relatives.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Surprise Revealed

Dear Readers:

You've waited patiently enough these last few days. I was reminded by an avid reader that I hadn't told you the SURPRISE. He was TOTALLY blown away! It was kind of fun yet nerve wracking to see him totally shocked. I was a little nervous he was going to 'back out'. Yet, when the shock wore off he was pretty excited!

We went to Seattle, WA. My wonderful husband served his mission there 11 years ago. We even found one of his apartments in Lynnwood! Welcome Home Hill is a place I've heard of for the past four years and I've finally been there. It's a steep hill that MWG had to ride up every night for seven months. He was in REALLY good shape during the two years that he rode a bicycle in Seattle.

We ate an anniversary lunch at the Space Needle. The food was fabulous and the view perfect! The normally cloudy skies cleared for us! :) We went to the Seattle Temple and we had a special time there. It was a quick two days, but the memories will last forever.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

3 years and counting....

It's been three years since I became 'Tootsie'. It's kind of hard for me to remember why Mr. Website Guy called me that to begin with, but I do know it was AFTER my marriage to him. We will celebrate our third wedding anniversary this week. Veteran's day, which considering we are both patriotic and had grandfathers who served in WWII, is not only fitting but makes it really easy to remember. 11/11.

I'm planning a surprise for my Man and I'm busting at the seams to spill the beans! I've been planning it since the first of September and I can't think if I've ever kept a secret from him for this long. The part I love most is that he WANTS me to keep the secret. See I had to give him a few minor details so that by some crazy fluke he didn't plan something too and then we'd have to decide or disappoint. Anyway, he knows there's something but he doesn't want me to spoil the surprise. I love that about him. Usually, I'm thinking, "What is it?" I figure out a million questions to try and get the secret out. Try the old tactic of "wear 'em down with relentless questions and wonderings" Well, thankfully, he isn't like that. So, you wanna know what I have planned?

Well, I'll tell you.

Yes, I'm going to spill the beans. Here, on my blog.

Okay, here it is. . . .

I'm planning. . . .


I'll tell you about it after MWG find out. 'Why?!' you ask? Well, it's simple.

He reads my blog. :)