Saturday, May 29, 2010

They haven't tried the obvious

This is probably one of the few times you will read Tootsie's opinion on world matters. I have a deep love for the Gulf Coast particularly Pensacola, Florida. I love that beautiful, peaceful place. In the five years I lived in Florida this place brought happiness, peace, pensive moments and for a time, romance. It pains my heart to think that it may not be the beautiful, white sugar beaches of "squeaky" sand. I love explaining to others unfamiliar with this soft, soothing, luxurious sand that the grains of sand are rounded and thus "squeak" when walked upon. Sure, it sticks to you like sugar, and like sand universally, ends up in places that are uncomfortable, (read eyes and bathing suits) but oh the beauty of this beach!

The tragic accident of April 20 has forever altered the lives of countless individuals. My heart goes out to all who lost loved ones, lost livelihoods, and land. In all the news of how to stop the continuous flow of oil from the floor of the Gulf, they haven't mentioned the one thing that just might work.


To those who scorn my "naivety" I say, God created this earth. He controls it.

This nation "under God" was founded by men who believed in a Supreme being. I believe that all men have the right to worship how, where or what they may. I believe in God the Father. He created all things and all things are in His control.

If the people of this nation would humble themselves and admit that they alone can not stop the flow of oil from this broken well; perhaps God would grant the prayers of the righteous who want the livelihood and loveliness of the Gulf Coast to be spared, healed where damage has been done, and thrive once more.

I've been praying that those working on this problem would be inspired that they would find success if God willed it. I think it's time for the people of this nation to raise their voices to God and admit that they can't do this thing alone. God wants those who follow Him to be humble. We of this nation know disaster and hopelessness, yet we've selfishly left God out of our solutions. We don't want to invite Him to help us because then we just might find ourselves indebted to Him. We might have to let go of our selfish tendencies. We might have to admit to ourselves that we are nothing without Him.

It pains me as the days go by that there has not been a call to pray. I know that there are many in the Gulf Coast states who are praying, they too, believe as I believe that God does hear and answer prayers. I know this because I've seen the strength of these faithful individuals. It is time that those in position of leadership humble themselves and organize a day of prayer. A day of humility before the God of this earth. A day of uniting and praying that He will stop the flow.

Perhaps He won't. Perhaps the Almighty God of Heaven and Earth wills otherwise.

There will be those among the unbelievers and weak-hearted believers that will jeer and jest at my suggestion and even the possible failure of such a proposal of prayer.

But to all the God-fearing, God-loving people who believe as I do, I ask, "What is the harm in trying?" Sure, the answer may be no. But God will know those who humbled themselves before Him. We will know that we tried to humble ourselves, petitioning for His help. We will know that we stood for what was right among the unbelievers.

To all my fellow believers, it does not matter to me the name of the Supreme being you pray to, He is the same. I ask you, please let us humble ourselves and make it known that we wish to invite God into the solution. I pray that He will hear and answer our collective prayer, that the beauty and liveliness of the Gulf will be spared further harm. But this I KNOW, I would be wrong if I did not ask Him to control this situation that has been out of control for too long. If you feel this is wrong or against your code of beliefs, then don't worry about it. It's just words to you. If you feel that this is right, please join me in this prayer. It can't hurt and God willing, it might help.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm happy to report

I think Mr. Website Guy is a step ahead of me in the doing nice things game. He's been very attentive these past few days. I better get with it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 1

The tiny thing I did for my husband was offer to do some laundry for him.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tiny Things

It's the little things that make the biggest difference. It's the little acts of kindness each day that mean the most. Conversely, it is the tiny things that we stumble on or carry that keep us from truly loving and giving to others. We can do big grandiose things for those we love, but if we are not attentive to the little things they may not care about that "once a year big thing". Tootsie needs to do some fixing of her ways. She needs to start seeking out those little things in the lives of those she loves and showing how she loves and cares for him and them. I resolve today, to find something that I can do different today than I did yesterday and tomorrow I'll do the same routine. I'll share my efforts in hopes that you'll find ways to do the same for the ones you love.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Holding on

Toostie has been holding on these days. I've been holding on emotionally at times. It's been a challenge but aren't challenges good for us? I'm also guilty of holding on to some not so good things like anger, resentment, self-pity. These types of emotional ball & chain issues are natural challenges we all deal with. However, these are challenges that are extremely unhealthy for us. So, how do I purge the unhealthy challenges? I know that there is only One who has the power to take the challenge and replace it with conviction to do right. He will not pry it from out closed fist. No, we must go to Him and ask that He take what we've already placed at His feet. We have to let go first.

Second, we have to continue in humility and love toward Him. We must ask Him yo forgive us and strengthen us. This becomes the challenge of holding on to our struggle. Our natural man trait is not accustom to holding on in faith to that which is so difficult to identify unless we are still and quiet. He will help. We need only Ask.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bouncing Back....

Tootsiesroles has been on vacation for too long! I'm ending my hiatus right now. Mind you, I, Tootsie, have not been on vacation, just been distracted from my blogging. I'm here to get back on track...

So, what's new with Tootsie? Well, not much. I did however have the most wonderful time with BB and his amazing family at the "happiest place on earth" aka Disneyland. Wow! That was a FUN time! I can't wait to do it again. :) Thanks BB for letting me tag along.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I'm excited that my Conference edition of the Ensign has arrived. I have two copies, so I can really get into studying, marking, and feasting upon the words of our living prophets. I encourage you to get a copy of the May 2010 Ensign and read and study the messages of April's General Conference. You can get them online too at if you'd like to browse without the paper.

I'll be back again soon. Too long without writing has left my mind and creative talent dull. I'll see if I can't sharpen it up a bit.