Friday, December 24, 2010

Gratitutde: THE gift

I have a wall hanging that says, "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." When I think of the gifts that I've been given or have given to others, I think the greatest gift we can give one another is gratitude. Saying the words, "Thank You" are so simple, yet it's not as often heard in this day of entitlement. Starting today, I'm going to open my eyes to the numberless times I should show gratitude and then I'm going to open my mouth and say, "thank you". It's the gift that gives both the giver and the receiver that warm, loving feeling. The only other gifts I can think of that does this are: hugs, forgiveness, and service. In this season of giving, (and by default, receiving) let us remember to give a gift in return to those who love us, forgive us, serve us. Give THE gift of gratitude.

Dear reader: thank you for your gift of reading and appreciating my blog. I don't write often enough, but when I do, I have you in mind. Thank you for allowing me to share some of my most personal feelings with you. I love you. Merry Christmas! May your New Year of 2011 be full and favorable! Love, Tootsie