Wednesday, July 29, 2009's a killer

If you have ever watched Anastasia the animated film, there's a little bat that says to the evil villian, "Stress. It's a killer, sir. My cousin Izzy killed over mid mango." I love that line! It makes me laugh and sigh at the same time.

Stress is nature's way of telling you your alive and if you want to stay that way you better slow down, calm down and wise up. Well, I'm not figuring out how to do that very quickly these days. Which is why you, my wonderful readers, are the receipent of a 4:00 a.m. blog post. I wish I could say that this is the first morning I've been up this early, but no, I can't say that. However, I am sitting in the comfort of my home, in my pjs, because we have internet again! :) THAT's worth blogging about! Smile if you catch the irony here. :)

Okay, so back to my stress. It's everywhere but with my Mr. Website Guy and a few choice friends and family. For that I am MOST grateful! I can handle all the other stressors if I have my wonderful Mr. Website Guy and family and friends to support me. My number one support these last three weeks of minimal sleep, excessive stress, and countless tears has been and always will be my Savior, Jesus Christ. He's buoyed me up. He's blessed me with strength to continue on, and kept me awake when I've been too tired to drive, work, and socialize.

My number two strength of course, is that fine specimen of a man, M.W.G.. I love this man!!!! He knows that he is 2nd only to Jesus Christ and he's okay with that. M.W.G. has been a ROCK for me these past few weeks! He's like the MinuteMen of the Colonial era. Ever at the ready to support, defend, carry, and cheer. What do you say to love like that? I'm just so grateful. The words Thank You just don't seem adequate. But until I learn a better more pure language than the English I know, they'll have to do. Thank you and I love you, M.W.G. xoxxoXXOOoxox (Nacho Libre, anyone?) Hey, I know! I'll watch Nacho Libre with you M.W.G.. That's how I tell you I love you, huh? It's growing on me you know. ;)

To my stressors, I say, thanks for letting me know my mundane, easy going life just wasn't enough. Thanks for saving me the admission charge at the amusement parks, because I've been on a much more serious roller coaster ride with you. Lastly, I want to quote my grandfather-in-law with a minor edit. "Guests [I'll say stressors, here] are like fish, after a few days, they stink." That being the case, to my stressors I plead, "For the love of SLEEP, SAFETY, and SANITY, please, please GO AWAY!" I'm going to go crawl in bed next to that amazing man I married and see if I can't get a little bit more shut eye.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Holding Hands at 4 a.m.

I awoke this morning with a start! The kind where you don't know where anything is, like the alarm clock that's blaring at you. Well, after franticaly looking for it, I was all in my dream. I was about a half hour early for my 4:55 a.m. alarm. With all the adrenaline how was I supposed to fall back to sleep? I stirred with agitation and debated whether to get up. I'd only slept for 4 hours!

Just as I was deciding that I'd get up, Mr. Website Guy, gently placed his hand on my arm and rubbed it. He could sense my frustration and was trying to calm me down. I reached for his hand and we interlaced our fingers. Have you ever held hands in bed? It's so peaceful. I whispered to him, "Are you awake?" He said, "Yeah, I've been awake for about 30 minutes." I asked him if he minded if I visited with him and we had a bit of a catching up session on what's been going on in my day-to-day work life. I love this man!

Last night, Mr. Website Guy came home late from working on a big project getting ready for demonstration today. After this long day, he wanted to do whatever I needed or wanted because he wanted to be with me. So, we drove to the church to copy off primary materials. I had left the invitation I needed and was berating myself when this wonderful man said, "I'll go get it." He went back home and retrieved my paperwork. Not a big deal to most people, but to me it was. I'd reached my stress limit and he was there to help me get through the challenge. I love that he loves me!

I thanked him profusely for serving me, for sacrificing his downtime to be with 'cranky' Tootsie. He said, "It's worth it, it makes you happy." Awww, this wonderful guy is so patient with me while I 'flip out' over little things and then he turns around and tells me he's enjoying himself because he's seeing to it that I'm happy. What ever did I do to deserve this wonderful man? He says, "you said yes to a very particular question." I love the love that we share.

So, I have a date with my man. I'm looking forward to visiting with him and telling him again, how much I love his doting attention. If you see us tonight, out on the town, we'll probably be holding hands.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bummer to Blessing

Our internet died. Mr. Website Guy, was understandably bummed. I was too to some extent, given I needed it for a project I was working on. However, as the weekend progressed, the bummed out feeling subsided and a feeling of togetherness wrapped Mr. Website and His Tootsie up into each other. It was great! I love my husband! He's such a wonderful man! He looked stylin' in his new dress shoes! I'll try to post a photo of them. For those of you at our wedding, they look like those black/white wing tips he wore! Mr. Website Guy, you are so HANDSOME! I'm enjoying our 'internet-free' time together! I love you!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Little People = Large Love

I'm a one lucky, Aunt Tootsie! I get to have my BB and his awesome wife and six BEAUTIFUL children living just around the corner from me. Literally, around the corner. Our backyards touch in a diagonal corner of about 1 inch. Today Mr. Website and I watched the oldest four children while BB, AW (awesome wife), toddler and baby went to the other side of the world...errr, I mean the otherside of the valley to look at a house. :( It's sad for me, but I'll be very happy for them if they get to buy it. :)

We had a BLAST! Since I don't have the opportunity of motherhood just yet, I get to love on and spoil my nieces and nephews! As my sister-in-law, AW said, "What happens at Aunt "tootsie's" stays and Aunt "tootsie's". Yup, my house is a little bit of Vegas. Wanna know what kind of fun we had?

We played Monopoly, ate cookies BEFORE lunch, had yummy quesadillas for lunch, we made MORE cookies and then.....drum roll please....... Uncle Website loaded up Lego's Indiana Jones and Star Wars video games!!!!! Yaay!!! Can we say, SCORE!? These kids loved it! They got to play for quite a while until BB & AW (aka Dad and Mom) showed up. Then the kitchen timer came on and the 'time to come home' mandate was made. Not that it wasn't a very generous timer and lovingly called home, and yes, even necessary. I don't get to keep them forever, aw man, shoot! You know the addage, "All good things must come to an end." And, hearing these adorable children say, "Thanks Aunt 'tootsie' we had fun!" and watching them walk around the corner out of sight (as I called BB to make sure all his little ones made it home, yes, I'm paranoid) it just made my WHOLE WEEK.

So, when BB & AW find their permanent abode and I no longer have these children so close, I'll be sad. But hey, they know they get to have Aunt Tootsie and Uncle Website as babysitters, pretty much, anytime they want. :) I can't help myself! I love spoiling nieces and nephews! I'm glad that Mr. Website enjoyed himself too! He'll be a great father when lil miss toots or little man webbite decide to grace us with their presence. Until then, it's open season on spoiling and loving the other little people in our lives.

Friday, July 10, 2009

A shout out...

This is just a quick shout out to my mom and dad. I LOVE YOU! THANKS for everything! I am so lucky to call you both friends. I treasure our relationship. I'm sending you a virtual hug. I can't wait to see you again! Have a sunny weekend! All my love, your daughter.

Scattering Sunshine

There's a song in the LDS Hymn book by Lanta Wilson Smith called "Scatter Sunshine" and I LOVE it! Let me share it with you.

In a world where sorrow ever will be known,
Where are found the needy and the sad and lone,
How much joy and comfort you can all bestow,
If you scatter sunshine everywhere you go.

Slightest actions often meet the sorest needs,
For the world wants daily little kindly deeds.
Oh, what care and sorrow you may help remove,
With your songs and courage, sympathy and love.

When the days are gloomy, sing some happy song;
Meet the world's repining with a courage strong.
Go with faith undaunted thru the ills of life;
Scatter smiles and sunshine over its toil and strife.

Scatter sunshine all along your way.
Cheer and bless and brighten every passing day.

Don't you just feel happier having read that? I plan on scattering sunshine today! I know I should be doing it everyday and I hope I can resolve to do it better from now on.

I love the color yellow because it reminds me of sunshine. When I lived in the often dreary, gray Northwestern United States, my mom and sister painted my room a sunshine yellow! They even painted the ceiling! I loved waking up in that room! I now have a guest room dedicated to yellow sunshine and tropical, beach themes. I love taking mini-'staycations' in that room. Literally, mini, like 15-20 minutes when I'm in a bad mood. It's hard for me to stay mad while I'm basking in the sunny-ness and memories of that room.

Ah, enough nostalgia from me.... How about you? What do you like to do that brings sunshine to your soul? What can you do for others around you that will saturate them with the sunshine you are scattering? Let's get to work and scatter, scatter, scatter the SUNSHINE!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Have Miracles Ceased?

No! I am a living, breathing testimony that Miracles still come from the God of the Universe. I could write a book on all the miracles that I have been privileged to experience in my lifetime.

This post though is on the sudden, unexpected miracle of healing. I have been praying all week that my ankle would be made whole. Tonight, I was out Visiting Teaching and sometime during our second visit with a sister, I felt something in my ankle change. I really don't have words to describe it. I moved my foot around in wonder. When I went to leave, I realized that I could walk without pain! Hallelujah!!!! Can you hear the singing choir?!?

I know God hears and answers prayers! I also know that His timing is perfect; ours is not. It's been a learning experience for me. I've had a small glimpse of what it would be like to be confined to a wheelchair. I know the frustration of not being able to park close enough to your destination. The PAIN of constant pain. I have a reverence and respect for those brave souls who endure and indeed thrive despite these huge obstacles.

Just as Garth Brooks says in a song, "sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers;" I too, thank God for the understanding I've been privileged to receive.

God be Thanked for HIS matchless Love.