Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mr. Website

When I met my husband, he introduced himself as the "website guy" of our young single adult ward.  This normally shy guy butted right in on another guy's conversation with me.  He had served a mission for our church in Seattle, WA and when I mentioned that I had just moved from Seattle, he wanted to talk to me.  So, I gave him my email address so that I could be notified of all the activities going on.  Well, before our three hour block of church was over, he had my phone number.

Once upon a time I was engaged to a guy with the same surname as my husband's (no relation). Well, after we had been out on a few dates, I asked him what his last name was. His reply stopped me in my tracks.  I hadn't wanted to mention this ex-engagement so soon after meeting him.   I said, "I use to date a guy with that name."  To which he replied, "Oh, you got a thing for (surname)."  I bluntly and tactlessly said, "no."  Then the story came out. 

Luckily for Mr. Website, I wasn't going to stop seeing him on a minor technicality like a name. 

Luckily for me, neither was Mr. Website.

Tootsie's Twin?

My sister and I look a lot alike. Growing up people would ask, "Are you twins?" I'd excitedly reply, "YES" while my sister would reply, "no". Perhaps, it was the confused look on people's faces that most encouraged my pervericating way.  Sadly, no, we are not twins. I truly wish we had been. Alas, now that were grown, I love that we are FRIENDS!  Here's to the next five decades of friendship, sistaroo.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Traveling Tootsie

So, my Website Guy, (read husband) nicknamed me Tootsie shortly after we married. I don't even remember why or how that came to be, but it did and it is. 

I love traveling with Mr. Website. "Why?", you ask. Well, because he does a very good job of keeping me on the happy side of things. Believe me, anyone who knows me well, knows that I can carry quite the MOOD.  So, on our honeymoon, "GRUMPY FACE" was born. Yup, by the end of the week, I was no longer the Bubbly Bride, I was just the Grumpy Girl with a Groom.  

But, alas, my handsome husband, didn't want the honeymoon hangover to hamper the start of our nuptials, so he said, smiling at me and using a voice I can't help but laugh at,

"Grummmpy faaace."

I had a choice.  I wanted to stay mad, but I wanted to laugh and hug and kiss him for handling my mood so well. Well, the smiles and laughter prevailed. 

Life is a role-a-coaster

I'm writing this blog for my posterity and anyone interested in following it.  As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I believe in following "the admonition of Paul -- if there is anything virtuous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy, [I] seek after these things." 

I was inspired by my sister-in-law to keep a record of my blessings and personal history for the benefit of others, primarily, my children and grandchildren. I intend to contribute to things worth "seeking after," since I've enjoyed many blogs that are worth seeking. 

This blog is about roles and the roles that I play in life.  I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, a niece, and a friend. I know what you are thinking, 'You're writing for posterity, yet no mention of mother.' Yes, it's true, I, at this moment, can only hope for the day I get to add another role to my list. But why delay the time of telling my story.

Sit back, relax and enjoy!