Monday, September 28, 2009

My husband, my friend

My post today is for my husband, Mr. Website Guy. MWG and I have had a bit of an emotional weekend. We've had some experiences that have exposed the raw pain of our infertility. I've cried A LOT and MWG has been somber. Lest you pity us, we just are having one of those moments. It will pass. Hope will rise above like a helium filled balloon. We just needed to feel sad and express it to one another.

I love my husband. He and I have grown closer these last few months. It's been wonderful! He is my friend. He is my strength. He is the other half of me. He has taught me what unconditional love feels like. He gives me hugs when I need them. He gives me words of comfort and counsel when I need them. He gives me adoration and attention when I need it. He loves me completely. To, you MWG, I want to say, I hope I am all this and more of what you want/need as a wife to you.

I'll miss you, sweetheart. I know my business trip will only be four short days, but I already count the days until I return to your arms and company. I excitedly await Friday afternoon when I exit the airport. Not only will I get to see you and kiss your wonderful lips, but we get to spend Conference weekend together! Ever since we've been married, these weekends have always been so great to spend with you. I look forward to this one to give us the bouy we need.

Hold up your chin, my dear husband. We will get through our infertile years together and be stronger and closer for it. We will get through the lonely nights of business trips, knowing that returning will be sweet. We will grow and learn throughout conference weekend and always and together we will become what our Father in Heaven asks us to be. I love you, my husband, my friend and I want nothing more than to be with you always as we endure, ever endure, to the end.

All my love, MWG. Only yours, Tootsie xoxoxoXOXOxoxoxo

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Living Prophets

I found my inspiration for a post. I've been reading from "The Family: A Proclamation to the World", this is scripture from living prophets. As a missionary in Albuquerque, New Mexico I often knocked on doors and shared this tract/pamphlet with anyone who wished to listen.

This proclamation is powerful! It feels me with a sense of purpose and urges me in my divine mission. I feel the Spirit of a loving Father in Heaven each time I read it. It adorns a wall in my home. It is living scripture.

I remember when it was first read to the women of the Church in a General Relief Society meeting in September 1995. It was awe inspiring to have such a profound proclamation about the family shared first with the women. Just a week later, it was shared in General Conference with all the church membership. It was an honor to be in both meetings as only two other proclamations have preceded this one.

Tonight, September 26, 2009, there is another General Relief Society meeting. I anticipate the wonderful feeling of sisterhood and of love and strength from the Governing body of the Church, our beloved prophet, and the men in the Quorum of Apostles. I am thankful to a God who continues to give us guidance and counsel through living prophets.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Something's missing

I'm missing something these days. I'm missing the pleasure that comes from writing a piece for this blog that purges me of tired, worn feelings and fills me with happy, bright hopes. I'm too tired these days. I'll go searching for what I need to change so I can come back to the place in my heart that creates; the place that creates for this space. Wish me luck....